
BitMod context does not have flag object! Is the flag plugin loaded?

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2023-08-27 16:58:26.092 -07:00 [WRN] Event handler failed during execution!
System.InvalidOperationException: BitMod context does not have flag object! Is the flag plugin loaded?
   at BitMod.Flags.Attribute.FlagAttribute.Inject(Mount context, EventInput input)
   at Lilikoi.Attributes.Typed.LkTypedParameterAttribute`2.Inject[TParameter,TIn](Mount context, TIn input)
   at LilikoiContainer(Closure , EventInput )
   at BitMod.Internal.Handlers.SimpleEventHandler.Invoke(EventInput input)
   at BitMod.Internal.Registries.SimpleEventRegistry.Invoke(EventInput input)

Caused by the FlagAttribute failing to find a FlagFile object in the bitmod mount.