
Command "list-jobs" asks for an unnecessary argument

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am trying to list the files in my vault (for downloading them later). I am using the snapshot:

java -jar glacieruploader-impl-0.1.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --endpoint --vault MyVault -l

INFO  Using region: us-east-1
INFO  Starting inventory listing for vault MyVault...
INFO  Inventory Job created with ID 2tIae4jFiovOH4XZ3Q-umtJm-l6E4uL-2oxkSJVEYEM3UJAodH4MArWP20NvDVLp5ncIpXBXtdYEXFwoG8_Kb-QFo_bG

Trying to use the Job ID...

java -jar glacieruploader-impl-0.1.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --endpoint --vault MyVault --list-inventory 2tIae4jFiovOH4XZ3Q-umtJm-l6E4uL-2oxkSJVEYEM3UJAodH4MArWP20NvDVLp5ncIpXBXtdYEXFwoG8_Kb-QFo_bG

INFO  Using region: us-east-1
INFO  Retrieving inventory for job id 2tIae4jFiovOH4XZ3Q-umtJm-l6E4uL-2oxkSJVEYEM3UJAodH4MArWP20NvDVLp5ncIpXBXtdYEXFwoG8_Kb-QFo_bG...
ERROR The job is not currently available for download: 2tIae4jFiovOH4XZ3Q-umtJm-l6E4uL-2oxkSJVEYEM3UJAodH4MArWP20NvDVLp5ncIpXBXtdYEXFwoG8_Kb-QFo_bG (Service: AmazonGlacier; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterValueException; Request ID: NYBKpfrWDYRfOH1LzcQKkGmJf00Yj6ANo5LfwW1lQ2_q1Yc) The job is not currently available for download: 2tIae4jFiovOH4XZ3Q-umtJm-l6E4uL-2oxkSJVEYEM3UJAodH4MArWP20NvDVLp5ncIpXBXtdYEXFwoG8_Kb-QFo_bG (Service: AmazonGlacier; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterValueException; Request ID: NYBKpfrWDYRfOH1LzcQKkGmJf00Yj6ANo5LfwW1lQ2_q1Yc)

Also cannot list jobs:

java -jar glacieruploader-impl-0.1.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --endpoint --vault MyVault --list-jobs

ERROR Something went wrong parsing the arguments
joptsimple.OptionMissingRequiredArgumentException: Option ['j', 'list-jobs'] requires an argument

The first message The job is not currently available for download indicates that the inventory listing is not yet ready. I'd try again later, sometimes it takes quite a long time to actually complete. There is a way to configure notifications for vault operations though:

The second message Option ['j', 'list-jobs'] requires an argument indicates that an argument is missing. The code checks for an argument, but I think that is an mistake:

public boolean valid(OptionSet options, GlacierUploaderOptionParser optionParser) {
return !StringUtils.isBlank(options.valueOf(optionParser.vault)) &&
options.has(optionParser.listJobs) && options.hasArgument(optionParser.listJobs);

I'll check that one.

You're right, waiting 3h-4h got me the listing of my inventory.
Thank you!

@devtobo Good to hear. I'll rename this issue to track the unnecessary argument for the list-jobs command then.