CornerRadius and other customization
SeRG1k17 opened this issue · 2 comments
SeRG1k17 commented
Is it possible to implement the following:
- Hide the cornerRadius of the button, but keep it in its normal state.
I think I need to move the container or swipeView - == 1
- make cornerRadius
subContentView: top and bottom = 8.0
subContenView: leading = 16.0, trailing = 0.0
tableView: leading = 0.0, trailing = 16.0
//it`s hack for clips animation view
func swipeTableCell(_ cell: MGSwipeTableCell, swipeButtonsFor direction: MGSwipeDirection, swipeSettings: MGSwipeSettings, expansionSettings: MGSwipeExpansionSettings) -> [UIView]? {
expansionSettings.buttonIndex = 0
expansionSettings.fillOnTrigger = true
expansionSettings.threshold = 1.1
swipeSettings.transition = .static
swipeSettings.topMargin = coloredView.frame.origin.y
swipeSettings.bottomMargin = (cell.bounds.height - coloredView.bounds.height) / 2
swipeSettings.offset = notifCell.coloredViewTrailingConstraint.constant
If this is not possible, then is it possible to do the following:
- Fill the empty space between the red button(delete) and the content with red color .
or - Limit the swipe with the end of the red button.
SeRG1k17 commented
I found another solution. Close this, thank you.