
Unable to figure out ideal library for my project

NihitBorpujari opened this issue · 0 comments


I am working on some code with open cv to track the percentage of frames in which my face is detected in terms of "attention span". I intend to optimize this attention span with an evolutionary solver that iterates a combination of diffused and direct light levels in my environment with an arduino board. Owing to the long range of time over which a generation of light levels need to be iterated I am unsure as to the best Evolutionary algorithm library or approach i can use to do this. I am currently not connected to an arduino and am just trying to do this with dummy numbers (1-4,1-4) for diffused and direct respectively. The idea is that every 15 mins or so ( lets say 50,000 frames) the light levels assume a new and improved combination and wait for another 15.

I am new to python and coding in general so I am finding it harder to figure out which library and it's ideal implementation for this purpose I'd be grateful if you have any advice.