
ListView + UI.MultipleInputForm++ + Revit French: loop then crash

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Mostafa,
There seems to be an issue when inputing specific charaters when I am using UI.listView + MultipleInputForm++ and trying to feed the category list in French / French Revit

I am feeding categories in french and they contain

If I filter those out, it works, if not, It goes in a never anding loop before crashing

@MostafaElAyoubi it seems that the listview node does not take the list of categories as a list of string but works with a list of categories.
Would need either a fix or documentation of that fact

Hi @jmcouffin ,
thanks for submitting. I'm having a hard time reproducing the issue. Could you share a dummy .dyn?

Salut @MostafaElAyoubi ,
it took me a while to reproduce, I forgot the pb...
if you remove the string from object everything is fine from the value input, if you run it with it... hell
change the extension to .dyn _ I am sure you get it ;)
DS-UI problem.txt