
English Translation Request Form

Opened this issue · 4 comments

If there is a mistranslation or a more appropriate English translation, etc.


Original name:
Where is it displayed:
New name proposal:

- Rosenborgen
+ Rosenbogen

I found this when scrape English wiki data, the name mismatched
I can report other arm translation, 296 weapons did not have English translation.

I setup the translation work space, NEED HELP DONE
Anyone can edit this real-time collaboration, no need login,
feel free to edit en field. no worry to break data, Right green button had restore backup.

It's for arm-translation.json missing 296 items.


This service provide export CSV and JSON

I can make a script later

  • check English spell by accessing pages
  • generate patch (merge to arm-translation.json)
    • The naming rule " " (space) -> "_" (underscore)
      e.g "en": "Wicked Cool Stabber" will check page
    • "'" (apostrophe) become %27 (url escape)
    • if you met other exceptions, ask here. script will treat it as exception case.

EDIT: done the generate json patch script

I found list page like
the ID match to ImageURL ? or if Japanese name was matched,
I can generate a patch from wiki data.

EDIT: I could not fetch data .... wiki require login/session to get the text source.

I could ... 291/296 rest are

  • 1030001200 アルマス
  • 1030101300 アキナケス
  • 1030202200 アルバコアノーズ
  • 1030300000 アクゥ
  • 1030401700 エアリアルケーン
  • 1030501400 アルバコアライフル
  • 1030601200 アルバコアヘッド

EDIT: fix number 296 - 7 = 289, I misunderstood it was -9.