
Ipad Safari - key pressed always lags behind

dan937 opened this issue · 4 comments

Using your demo page, or my own creation, if I start typing ... 1 2 3 4 5 etc... It doesn't show the current key I press.. it displays the previous key I pressed. So it is always one behind. Doesn't matter what keyboard configuration/example I use.

This is on safari ipad (9.1). I only have one ios device so I couldn't test anywhere else.

Hi @dan937!

Please try removing the mousewheel plugin when using this plugin on mobile devices - see #379 - I'm not sure if this also applied to iPads.

Yes that resolved the issue. Thanks!
useWheel : false

I believe I found and fixed the issue causing the previous key to be entered. So no more need to be extra vigilant and ensure the mousewheel plugin isn't being loaded, or to set the useWheel option.

Super.. thanks for the vigilance.