
Output Widget: export table caption with output_includeCaption (like output_includeFooter)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

It would be great if an option like output_includeCaption existed for Output Widget. When exporting to CSV one could use it to prepend a title to the table data, so the CSV file would be ready to print after opening in Excel.

Hi @tomaszn!

From looking at the CSV specification (RFC 4180), I don't see any standard defined for adding a caption or title to CSV data.

I just pushed an update to the output widget which allows you to use the output_callback function to return a modified string instead of just a boolean. Use it like this (demo):

output_callback :  function(config, data)  {
    return config.$table.children('caption').text() + '\n' + data;

With this change you can do whatever you want to the data.

Thanks a lot! And usually we need to trim spaces from the text: ...text().trim() +...