
Hide column at init. table

Closed this issue · 4 comments

In, the columns still display. Please help and many thanks.

Hi @airthomas!

When setting up the column selector, the default setting of columnSelector_mediaquery is true which requires that data-priority attributes are set for each header. Setting it to false allows hidding columns. I'll make this more clear in the documentation.

$(function() {

    $("table").tablesorter({debug: true,
        theme: 'blue',
        widgets: ['columnSelector'],
        widgetOptions : {
            columnSelector_mediaquery: false,
            columnSelector_columns: {
                0: false,
                2: false


Also, the demo won't work unless the widget-columnSelector.js file is loaded.

Hi Mottie,

I have tried, looks has cache problem, when I change
0: false,
2: false
0: false,
1: false
it is work, but if change back 0:false, 2:false, it will not work.

That is happening because the columnSelector_saveColumns option is true (demo).

great, many thanks Mottie.