
Autonatically generated filter dropdowns cause an error

lindonb opened this issue · 2 comments

In version 2.13.3 (but not before), using filter_functions and setting the value to true for a column to generate an automatic drop down cause an error where c.widgetOptions is undefined in line 915 of jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js.

I believe this is caused by a faulty call to the buildSelect function at line 576 of jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js:


It appears the above function call should have a table parameter first - so ts.filter.buildSelect(table, column) - since the function itself is defined as follows at line 911 of jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js:

buildSelect: function(table, column, updating, onlyavail) {

Hi @lindonb!

Hey thanks for reporting this, I'll have it fixed asap!

Great, thanks @Mottie!