
Sticky header - full height wrapper

Closed this issue · 13 comments

Hello everybody!

I would know if sticky header (cfr; could you be user with a wrapper having

  • x scroller enabled (if necessary)
  • no y-scrolling (full height!)

I'm using Bootstrap 3 and, with other tables, I'm used to wrap them with table-responsive class (cfr:

Is there a way to obtain the same effect?


Hi @ric79!

I'm going to be busy today, so I won't get around to looking at this until later tonight... I'll see what I can do.

Thanks a lot. I will wait, don t worry!

Hello @Mottie,
News about the question?

Sorry, I've been trying to find time & motivation to fix this issue... So far, I've come up with a solution that would require adding two new options:

  • One contains a set element in which to "watch" for horizontal scrolling
  • The other contains a set element to "watch" for vertical scrolling.

It's a bit tricky, especially when trying to keep things lined up. So it'll take some more work.

I wrote just a small piece of javascript to set the "tablesorter div height" to "wrapper div scrollHeight".

I would like to run this line of code on tablesorter complete (filtering or sorting or paging server side).
There is not onComplete method. How can I solve the problem?

Just about everything has it's own complete event.

  1. Sort: SortEnd
  2. Pager: pagerComplete
  3. Filter: filterEnd

So if you want the last one to complete out of the three, the filter widget "should" be the last one to end, since it is a widget. The pager is an exception because it runs outside of the widget system, even the pager widget.

I think I am in the same boot because I have my table inside a div which takes as much height as possible (height: 100%) so it is not a fixed height as in your examples
I really would like to have this feature. @ric79 did you manage to find a solution or @Mottie is this feature still on your radar?

Hi @JanOonk!

You can do it now using the stickyHeaders_attachTo and stickyHeaders_yScroll options.

    theme: "bootstrap",
    widthFixed: true,
    headerTemplate: '{content} {icon}',
    widgets: ['zebra', 'stickyHeaders', 'uitheme'],
    widgetOptions: {
        stickyHeaders_attachTo: '.table-responsive',
        stickyHeaders_yScroll: $(window)

I had to fix a few minor bugs to get the header to work properly. Hopefully adding a position:relative style to the .table-responsive div won't break anything.

Oddly, I have the demo working perfectly locally, but when I created this (demo), the header shifts and resizes incorrectly. I'll try to look at this again tomorrow.

Anyway, you can check out the updates in the master branch.


thanks for your reply and effort. I updated your example to match my case and tried to minimize the test case as good as possible:

It doesn't work yet. Hopefully this testcase can help you.

Oh wait, it does work!

The problem was that the demo was pointing to jQuery v3.0.0-pre which was not calculating the widths the same as the current version. When I change the version to 2.1.0, it works fine.

Ok now your example works, but mine (also when you change jQuery to 2.1.0) still doesn't :(

@JanOonk! I'm not sure what to make of your demo... it's not really a full height, scrolling with the page kind of demo. I wonder if the scroller widget might work better for you.

@ric79 can you test out the latest change and see if it works for you; and sorry for taking so long to fix it.

I'm guessing this issue has been resolved, so I'm going to close it. If you continue to have problems, please feel free to continue this discussion.