
Equipment Slot Helpers

pavlicekdominik opened this issue · 0 comments

Function: DoesSlotExist

Purpose: To check if an equipment slot with the given name exists.


  • SlotName: FName: The name of the slot to check for existence.

Returns: bool: True if the slot exists, False otherwise.

Description: Checks the equipment system to see if a slot with the specified name is available.


Function DoesSlotExist(SlotName: FName) -> bool:

    For each equipmentSlot in EquipmentSlots:
        If equipmentSlot.SlotName == SlotName:
            Return true

    Return false
End Function

Function: GetEquipmentSlot

Purpose: To retrieve a single equipment slot based on the specified criteria.


  • Criteria: FEquipmentSlotSearchCriteria: The criteria to search for.

Returns: FEquipmentItemSlot: An equipment slot that matches the criteria.

Description: Searches the equipment system for the first slot matching the criteria.


Function GetEquipmentSlot(Criteria: FEquipmentSlotSearchCriteria) -> FEquipmentItemSlot:

    If Criteria.IsValid():

        For each equipmentSlot in EquipmentSlots:
            If Criteria.SearchByName and equipmentSlot.SlotName == Criteria.SlotName:
                Return equipmentSlot
            If Criteria.SearchByItem and equipmentSlot.ItemSlot.ItemInstance == Criteria.ItemInstance:
                Return equipmentSlot
            If Criteria.SearchByGuid and equipmentSlot.SlotGuid == Criteria.SlotGuid:
                Return equipmentSlot
            If Criteria.SearchByTag and equipmentSlot.AcceptedTags.HasTag(Criteria.Tag):
                Return equipmentSlot
            If Criteria.ItemCategory and equipmentSlot.AcceptedCategories.Contains(Criteria.ItemCategory):
                Return equipmentSlot


        Return nullptr

    End If

    Return nullptr

Function: GetEquipmentSlots

Purpose: To retrieve equipment slots based on the specified criteria, or just all.


  • Criteria: FEquipmentSlotSearchCriteria: The criteria to search for.

Returns: TArray<FEquipmentItemSlot>: A list of equipment slots that match the criteria.

Description: Searches the equipment system for slots matching the criteria. If no criteria are provided, it returns all slots.


Function GetEquipmentSlots(Criteria: FEquipmentSlotSearchCriteria) -> TArray<FEquipmentItemSlot>:

    ResultSlots = TArray<FEquipmentItemSlot>()

    If Criteria.IsValid():

        For each equipmentSlot in EquipmentSlots:
            If Criteria.SearchByName and equipmentSlot.SlotName == Criteria.SlotName:
            If Criteria.SearchByItem and equipmentSlot.ItemSlot.ItemInstance == Criteria.ItemInstance:
            If Criteria.SearchByGuid and equipmentSlot.SlotGuid == Criteria.SlotGuid:
            If Criteria.SearchByTag and equipmentSlot.AcceptedTags.HasTag(Criteria.Tag):
            If Criteria.ItemCategory and equipmentSlot.AcceptedCategories.Contains(Criteria.ItemCategory):


        Return EquipmentSlots

    End If

    Return ResultSlots

End Function

Function: IsSlotValid

Purpose: To validate the integrity of an FEquipmentItemSlot.


  • FEquipmentItemSlot Slot: The equipment slot intended for validation.

Returns: bool: True if the slot is valid, False otherwise.

Description: Ensures that the provided slot has:

  • A valid slot name.
  • A unique slot GUID.
  • A valid item slot if an item is equipped.
  • Consistent accepted tags and categories.


Function IsSlotValid(Slot: FEquipmentItemSlot) -> bool:

    // Check for a valid slot name.
    If Slot.SlotName is empty:
        Return false

    // Check for a valid slot GUID.
    If Slot.SlotGuid is invalid:
        Return false

    Return true
End Function

Function: CanItemBeEquipped

Purpose: To check if an item can be equipped in a given equipment slot.


  • UInstancedItem* Item: The item intended to be equipped.
  • FEquipmentItemSlot Slot: The equipment slot to which the item is intended to be equipped.

Returns: bool: True if the item can be equipped in the slot, False otherwise.

Description: This function verifies if the item's tags and category match the accepted tags and categories of the equipment slot.


Function CanItemBeEquipped(Item: UInstancedItem*, Slot: FEquipmentItemSlot) -> bool:

    // Check for item tags compatibility.
    If not Slot.Tags.HasAny(Item.ItemTags):
        Return false

    // Check for item category compatibility.
    If not Slot.AcceptedCategories.Contains(Item.ItemCategory):
        Return false

    Return true
End Function

Function: IsSlotOccupied

Purpose: To determine if an equipment slot is currently occupied by an item.


  • FEquipmentItemSlot Slot: The equipment slot to check.

Returns: bool: True if the slot is occupied, False otherwise.

Description: A straightforward function to verify if an item occupies the slot.


Function IsSlotOccupied(Slot: FEquipmentItemSlot) -> bool:

    If Slot.ItemSlot.ItemInstance is not nullptr:
        Return true
        Return false
End Function