
Opening map causes camera to zoom out

Closed this issue ยท 5 comments

What you were trying to do

Move the hero and while moving, opening the map, and then return to the game to continue playing after checking the map.

What actually happened

After opening the map while moving then closing it, everything in the game became smaller (the hero, asteroids, enemy ships, etc.).

How to reproduce

  • Start moving your hero in any direction
  • While moving open the map
  • After viewing the map, close it. Everything in the game will have shrunk down to a smaller size than before

Log details and game version

Game version: v2.0.0

Computer details

CPU: i7-1165G7
RAM: 16 GB
GPU: Intel Iris Xe

I can reproduce this but it might actually be intended behaviour. The game zooms-out as you accelerate and get further out from stations and planets. This allows you to have a wider view on what's ahead so that you can steer to avoid it.

I believe that what you are describing is like the following:
The game though is still zooming out as-if you did not have the map screen open. If you didn't open the map screen, then it would still do the same:

If you still think this is a bug, then just say so and mention what you would have expected to happen instead.

Oh, I see so the game is zooming out as the hero accelerates? That makes sense so the player can have time to change direction before crashing. I thought it was a bug as I didn't realize it did that while moving as well.

Thanks still for reporting something you noticed! Maybe we should add a step in the tutorial to point that out :-)

In fact, I wrote it up real quick along with another couple items: #628

I think solving issue #614 would help so that the view does not keep zooming out while the map is open. That is if we stop the ship from accelerating while the map is open

I think solving issue #614 would help so that the view does not keep zooming out while the map is open. That is if we stop the ship from accelerating while the map is open

That sounds reasonable yes - if the player starts accelerating then opens the map, pause acceleration / turning as if no keys are being hit, and let the rest of the game act accordingly ๐Ÿ‘