
Nim lang icon request :)

Nuc1eoN opened this issue ยท 20 comments

Hi, @Mozart409 I use your theme in my main setup and I love it! Thank you!

The only thing that is missing for me is an icon for nimlang files. Nim is an awesome language check it out here

The corresponding file extensions are: .nim, .nims (nimscript), and .nimble (package manager).
[EDIT: There's also .nim.cfg]

For reference here are the icons in material theme:

Thank you in advance and keep up the good spirit! <3

vscode-icons actually used a different icon for .nimble
A yellow box with the nim crown logo.

Thank you for your request. I will get too it ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

@Nuc1eoN I released a new version with those icons. Tell me if you like them and if everything works for you. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

@Mozart409 Wooww thank you I think it looks awesome! Better then the other versions that I saw <3

Only thing is, it strangely does not apply to *.nimble.json and *.nim.cfg on my side? Does it work you?

Nice. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Oh I haven't read the docs. So I though those were special files, like "Dockerfile" and not file extensions. I can push a fix in 10 min. Hold on.

One sec I am checking rn how those files apply

I didn't have those two in my projects yet but I will check

Ok so as far as I gathered there are the file extensions: *.nim.cfg, *.nimble-link

There is also a nimblemeta.json file.

I don't think there is a .nimble.json though, where have you got that from?

So I wanted to add the icons for *.nimble.json and I'm having problems. I dont have the time right now to fix it, so it will need to wait until the weekend. Im sorry.

Ok so as far as I gathered there are the file extensions: *.nim.cfg, *.nimble-link

There is also a nimblemeta.json file.

I don't think there is a .nimble.json though, where have you got that from?

There isnt a .nimble.json. I though you ment a file named .nimble.json and not *.nimble.json. My bad

There isnt a .nimble.json. I though you ment a file named .nimble.json and not *.nimble.json. My bad

I do not think there is either of them . I think this definition can be removed entirely.


Ok so as far as I gathered there are the file extensions: *.nim.cfg, *.nimble-link

There is also a nimblemeta.json file.

^only this :D

Ahh ok. So tell me if i forgot any file extensions


// needs to be added

// find a way to only match *.nim.cfg and not *.cfg


Yes that is correct! Only last one should be *.nimble (it's a file extension too).

Technically yes, everything with "nimble" in the name is related to the package manager, so it could have like it's own icon. But I am also fine with how it is, much better than before! :D

Ok perfect. I updated my comment. I have everything ready except "*.nim.cfg"

What is the matter with "*.nim.cfg"?

there is a conflict between ".cfg" and ".nim.cfg"

".nim.cfg" matches to ".cfg" which has a different icon. I bet there is a way around it, but I don't know how, and I don't have the time right now.

I will push the changes now and fix the last one Saturday or Sunday

Oh god dammit! Now somebody commented on nim irc there is also nimdoc.cfg ๐Ÿ˜†

Sorrry grrr

Damn. Ok I will add that to the list and fix it. The update should be live.

Thank you and no hurry with the other fix! Take your time and have a good weekend! ๐Ÿ˜„

Thank you for the work. If you make a donate button I send you a small amount :D

No, thank you. You too ๐Ÿ˜„

What really? Thank you. I will add one. During the weekend.