
Open Meat

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Finding different ways to grow food from cells instead of animals [Creating a muscle tissue bioreactor process design through bioreactor build and process design.]

Project Mission and Summary:

Our mission is to build open source bioreactors and process designs for making meat in the lab. We will create teams for a hackathon where we will kick off our designs of bioreactors and process designs. Teams will continue to work in a distributed fashion over Slack after the project has been completed. Completed bioreactors and process designs will be tested in different labs.


  1. December/January – sign up to join a team
  2. January - teams form
  3. February - the hackathon

Tasks for each milestone:

  1. Publicize team signups

  2. Create a team slack.

  3. Plan and run the hackathon

a. Find a venue

b. Find a time

c. Coordinate with volunteers to make it happen

Email to get involved.

Would be great to process the vision statement through the Up Goer Five Text Editor!

Would be great to process the vision statement through the Up Goer Five Text Editor!

Thanks for the suggestion!

closing for now