
The open science public park

mozfest-bot opened this issue · 15 comments

[ UUID ] 0c9111b8-5fb4-4517-860f-96641ca356d0

[ Session Name ] The open science public park
[ Primary Space ] Open Innovation

[ Submitter's Name ] Naomi Penfold
[ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] eLife
[ Submitter's Github ] @npsciece

What will happen in your session?

A weekend-long installation that acts as a focal point for anyone interested in projects that promote open science. The space will be centred around a ‘wish tree’, where project leads can post their project, and interested collaborators can add their names and comments. The installation would include a seating area to act as a meeting space for collaborators to talk during the event.
In this space, we could host an ‘open mic’ soapbox session for project leads to describe their project and pitch for contributors (one-minute lightning pitches), potentially over Sunday lunch.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

The ultimate goal is to foster collaboration and spark new ideas for open-source open-science projects. I hope this would lead to more contributions, streamline some efforts (where people are working separately on the same problem/idea) and bootstrap some projects.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

Beanbags would be awesome, thanks!
A ‘wish tree’ - something sturdy on which we can attach/hang ~30 wish cards. I could help make beforehand, and have some ideas as to how (wire coathangers?)
Wish cards, and ‘contributor’ leaves - probably something sturdier than post-its, perhaps wooden votives with clips to attach paper ‘leaves’ to? Again, I can help with this.
Pens and stickers to write on and decorate the cards and leaves.
I can bring a laptop to help with digitally documenting the wish tree, but would appreciate Mozilla help here too.
For the pitching session, would we need a mic? A soapbox to stand on would be cool. Plus a hooter to keep pitchers to time.

Time needed

All weekend, as an installation, exhibit or drop-in session

Could this space host @daniellecrobinson’s “upside of down” gallery, issue #202 too? Wdyt, Danielle?

@npscience that would be awesome!

Apparently you can actually order real trees...

@Saallen would that be within the realms of possibility??

If you want to bring a tree, we will find you the space to put it 🌴

Hello @auremoser 👋

I've made a plan for the tree 🌴 , and think I can bring all the materials needed. If all goes to plan, the tree would be no more than 3m tall, 3m wide (diameter, 3D tree!) - is that an ok size? It's scalable, so let me know if I need to change my design.

I can bring everything needed for the "wishes". Although, does anyone know a good source of stickers that are like the Github/more tech-y emojis, please? e.g. 💯 👍 🎉 😺 ⬆️ @daniellecrobinson - maybe you know, the stickers at CSV,conf were fab!

It would be great to have 3-4 beanbags and/or chairs for the space, plus a table (for people to write on, to put all the materials for "wishes" on). Would Mozilla be able to supply these, please?

Also, how much assembly time ⏳ will we have on the Friday? Is that what Friday AM is for?

Thanks! ✨

Re #202 @daniellecrobinson - are you planning for people to come a speak at the tree? Would you like to add in a pinboard/something to stick "upside of down" messages on? Either way, your session would complement the tree so well, and it would be an honour to colocate 😀

The soapbox activity will be happening over Sunday lunch, space TBC. It may or may not be possible to feature the tree there. We don't need to worry about that activity in this issue/session.

Checklist of materials for this session:

For space

  • beanbags (3-6?) and/or chairs
  • 1-2 tables

For tree ~£60 in total for ~2.5m tall, ~3.5m diameter cardboard tree with 9 branches and 4 roots (structural support). Naomi will sort these

Wishes ~£140 in total (enough for 50 projects, 200 contributors) Naomi will sort these

  • To hold the project cards: A5 wallets (50 in pack) @ £23.99 x 1 pack = £23.99 Source
  • To hold the contributor cards: Badge holders (50 in pack) @ £6.99 x 4 packs = £27.96 Source
  • To hang the project cards on the tree: Twine (200m per pack) @ £5.93 x 1 = £5.93 Source
  • To attach the contributor cards to the project cards: Treasury tags (100/pk) @ £1.89 x 4 packs = £7.56 Source
  • 50 x printed A5 card templates for project leads to write their project on - estimate £25.00 (Note can buy blank card for £2.94/100 here but also need to print the template onto them (design TBC)
  • 200 x printed contributor card templates (like business cards) for contributors to write their details on - estimate £25.00, design TBC
  • Coloured sharpies e.g. 24-pack for £8.19 here
  • Black sharpies e.g. 12-pack for £7.38 here
  • Biros
  • Stickers (e.g. stars, tech-y emojis)

For transparency, my thinking on the tree is here. I didn't realise you'd be able to get most of this, so I'd already done the research and suggested items I've found are in the links. Designs TBC both for the project and contributor card templates, plus this is all based on a cardboard tree design that I need to draw on the computer (currently hand-drawn).

Thank you so much for this supply list @npscience ! And a very emoji-ful update!


Add them to the supply list please

Also, how much assembly time ⏳ will we have on the Friday? Is that what Friday AM is for?

Yes, friday after faciliator training you're welcome to help install and decorate the space with us.

@npscience I will be hanging out all day on Friday - it's always lively and fun to see all the signage and decorations go up

hi @npscience I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THE 🌴 - as long as I am not insane with the other sessions, I will be able to help you. If I remember correctly from last year, we are able to set up our spaces all day on Friday - @auremoser is that right? the Upside of Down did get accepted, and I am figuring out where it will be.

Yes, after the 10am facilitator training we should be able to decorate all afternoon until the Science Fair in the evening, as indicated in my comment above.

I'm sorry some of our wranglers have not yet sent out all of their confirmation emails because it is busy times; I'll try to get to it in the next two days @daniellecrobinson , never fear.

[ Facilitator 1 Name ] Naomi Penfold
[ Facilitator 1 Github ] @npscience
[ Facilitator 1 Twitter ] @eLifeInnovation
[ Facilitator 2 Name ] Danielle Robinson
[ Facilitator 2 Github ] @daniellecrobinson
[ Facilitator 2 Twitter ] @daniellecrobins


  • Space for tree 🌴
  • See equipment list above

Thanks all :)

@auremoser - I've updated the checklist, and will get onto piloting a tree....
@daniellecrobinson - I'll wait to hear, fingers crossed we can colocate 🤞

@npscience I would <3 to help set this up on Friday! I will be taking the train back from an engagement in Cardiff but should be back before noon and ready to dig in!

@stephwright - you are a super star, help gratefully received - however much you can offer. And it’ll be wonderful to meet you in person :)


I've sorted the 'tree' (subject to a trip to IKEA this weekend) and the 'wishes' etc.

Remaining items that would be useful if provided:

  • beanbags (3-6?) and/or chairs
  • 2 tables
  • space for 'tree': this will need to stand on one of the tables, and should not extend too far out from it...

^^ Hope that helps @KirstieJane @auremoser 🤞