
Brainstorm for the Internet Health Report: What’s healthy, unhealthy, what should happen?

Opened this issue · 14 comments

[ UUID ] ff1825b5-4eff-4a2b-a045-a7a400173046

[ Session Name ] Brainstorm for the Internet Health Report: What’s healthy, unhealthy, what should happen?
[ Primary Space ] Privacy and Security
[ Secondary Space ] Decentralization

[ Submitter's Name ] Solana Larsen
[ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Mozilla Foundation
[ Submitter's Github ] @Solanasaurus

[ Additional facilitators ] Kasia Odrozek

What will happen in your session?

Mozilla’s new open source initiative, the Internet Health Report, was created to document and explain what’s happening to the health of the Internet combining research from multiple sources.
At the time of MozFest the writing for the next version of the report will be in full swing and its
editor, Solana Larsen, would like to “pick the brains” of Mozfest participants.

Following a short introduction, we will dive into a brainstorm about what we consider healthy and unhealthy developments in this year’s global Internet landscape. We will structure the input around the five issues and the corresponding indicators of Internet health.

This proposal is meant as a placeholder that will be elaborated later in more detail.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

Our goal is to engage MozFest participants in discussions about the state of the health of Internet and get their input on the topic. The outcome should be a list of suggestions, inspirations and contacts to be used for the upcoming report.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

We may need a screen or a flipchart to structure the discussion and take notes publicly. If we go for a flipchart/whiteboard we will need push pins, pens and post-its.

Time needed

60 mins

@Solanasaurus @Saallen wondering if this can be a pan-space session? Does it absolutely need to be a P&S session?

Agree, we had the same issue with #618, i simply didn't find any "pan" option when submitting so feel free to change it to "pan".

I have a MozFest session milestone we can use, for these kinda sessions- if P&s are happy with me adding it and removing this from their space? @brettgaylor @bunnybooboo

YES!! This is really helpful @Saallen

@cubicgarden @jontutcher is this cool as you are secondary space?

You want to put it in decentralisation or taking it sorry?

@cubicgarden do you want this session in your space?

This looks good, am double checking with @maboa that we can schedule it! Is it still going to be pan-space, touring around type of thing?

Morning @jontutcher
Pan space means sitting outside of a space specific floor- we will have an area for the IH report team outside of a space area. Love the touring idea though :)

Morning @jontutcher
Pan space means sitting outside of a space specific floor- we will have an area for the IH report team outside of a space area. Love the touring idea though :)

@Saallen @Solanasaurus Confirmed with the team - we're happy to host this in decentralization.

Pan space means sitting outside of a space specific floor- we will have an area for the IH report team outside of a space area

So the team will have a physical space outside of decentralization for the whole of mozfest, but will be doing a 60 min session in a decentralization space at some point over the weekend? Sorry if I'm not getting it - just trying to clarify how much space/time we need to schedule, or how else the session connects with our space :)

Hi @jontutcher that sounds exactly right, we wanted a session on the program. To make it fit well in the space, we can give special attention to decentralization topics in the conversation.