
StoryEngine: Listen Deeply, Learn, and Connect

Opened this issue · 15 comments

[ UUID ] ce4d0469-f4ab-4d88-9081-a1612355743b

[ Session Name ] StoryEngine: Listen Deeply, Learn, and Connect
[ Primary Space ] Digital Inclusion
[ Secondary Space ] Open Innovation

[ Submitter's Name ] Christine Prefontaine
[ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Mozilla Foundation + Loup.Design
[ Submitter's Github ] @prefontaine

[ Additional facilitators ] Alecia Kuhl & Simon Emmanuel Roux, with Jesse Von Doom & Paul Zenke

What will happen in your session?

There are two parts to this proposal:

  1. A weekend-long drop-in storytelling installation — a simple booth where participants can interview others — including folks not physically at MozFest, tell their story, code a story using, and read/listen to others’ voices (NOTE: We're writing a brief for Ravensbourne students to see if they have ideas on ways to amplify this session and the human connections beyond the physical space.)
  2. A series of introductory 60-minute "how-to sessions" to introduce folks to the StoryEngine methodology and provide a sense of how it works and the confidence to set up one of their own (these can happen in English, French, and passable Spanish)

StoryEngine is the Mozilla Foundation’s deep listening, learning, and impact narrative methodology. While celebrating and amplifying the work of individuals and organizations, StoryEngine powers a feedback and engagement loop. The result: new examples, illuminated change pathways, and a better sense of others' successes, challenges, and needs. Most importantly, the act of listening is super satisfying! It's a great opportunity to make connections, spark ideas, and build skills.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

  • MozFest amplified and extended beyond the walls of Ravensbourne — and beyond one weekend
  • More and deeper long-term — and cross-silo! — connections
  • Participants experience themselves as part of a broader network or movement
  • Inclusion advanced and open innovation networks strengthened because of a better understanding of each others’ context, successes, challenges, solutions, and desired collaborators
  • Opportunities for participants to generate ideas together, amplify each others’ voices, and connect in practical ways
  • Open leadership, participatory listening, interviewing, and qualitative data analysis skills introduced or advanced
  • A set of rich narratives and evidence about the people and organizations touched by Mozilla, including examples of pathways and experiences
  • Perceptions of internet health and working open surfaced and discussed
  • Ideas on how to shape and improve StoryEngine, for Mozilla as well as for others

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

We'd want to create a small StoryEngine studio where folks can record each other with audio. We can hack together something cool with thin plywood (or cardboard) and eggshell foam. The outside could feature images and callout texts from prior interviews, and places to sit and engage with the stories — and with each other. We're using to code stories so we can invite others to join in the "sensemaking" — wither using their own laptop or ones we have available — and we could have bigger chunks of texts with sticky notes where people could do lo-fi "tagging".

Time needed

All weekend, as an installation, exhibit or drop-in session

Unfortunately we didn't think this session was quite right for the Digital Inclusion space this year. I'm removing the milestone to allow other spaces to consider your proposal.

Adding MozFest Session Milestone confirming this session will take place at MozFest as an emerging session

Hey @prefontaine! @Kaodo has some pretty cool ideas.......has she been in touch?

@Saallen @kaodro I've updated the description. Pinging @jessevondoom + Paul Zenke

@Saallen A note on our stipend request. When making our budget we ran across flight + lodging for 3 people at a super reasonable cost, so we went ahead and purchased. If our session is accepted we can work out details with your team and @chrislarry33.

@rtufail Pinging you in case this aligns with any other engagement / movement-building efforts at MozFest.

Also... I think the title needs work. Needs to be shifted to speak more to festival participants. Ideas? @OpenMatt @ankuhl

@prefontaine please dont make any edits to title or description comment- add new comment below with updated title or text- there is a script running and if you delete anything from the top comment you break the script and the session will not appear on our schedule 🔥

@Saallen Oh no! Noted. My apologies.

Created a board for interview pod inspiration:

How might we use Annotatathons for more participatory StoryEngine analysis? Notes from convo with Jeremy Dean.

@Saallen This session's title will change to "Humans of the Internet" and I'll be working with @kaodro to adjust the question set. I'll also adjust the session description (in the comments!) to reflect changes. I've sent brief to Ravensbourne for student participation. Will forward copy of that draft to Georgia as well to see if she has any ideas.

QUESTION: We will still move forward with the "How To StoryEngine" piece. I think best to split that from this. They should be connected, but are too different at this point. Does this make sense?

Putting final descriptions in here, as well as link to planning documents.

Final Descriptions in Guidebook

Create Your Own StoryEngine

Learn how to set up your very own — a simple yet rigorous way to conduct design research, evaluate the impact of projects / decisions / policies, boost organisational learning, and power feedback and engagement loops — all the while celebrating and amplifying the work of your most important humans. This will be a fun, hands-on workshop. To see StoryEngine in action beforehand, visit the Humans of the Internet space. (NOTE: We can accommodate folks who prefer to learn in Spanish or French. Just let us know ahead of time by sending a note to

Humans of the Internet

Humans! Choose your own adventure, or pick multiple adventures! Get an avatar created just for you, tell your story, interview another human, explore human stories, or become a sensemaker — digging deep to reveal the hidden meanings within the stories. Join us in creating and promoting Humans of the Internet. (NOTE we can accommodate English, French, and Spanish. Also check out the Create Your Own StoryEngine session — a workshop on how to set up your own