
Move template_images into templates

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Since everything related to the templates reside within the templates directory, it would only be logical to move the directory to store the images related to the templates into the templates directory. Currently, there are 2 directories that contain images in the root directory of the repository - one for the images that are used on the page that renders the card generator and the other for the images of the templates. This can often be confusing for contributors as to where to put the images related to the templates. If everything related to the templates are maintained within the same directory, it would be easier for people to add the relevant images to the proper directory and link them to their respective templates.

PS : The information to add template images are incorrect in the README file. This needs to be changed even if this issue is closed without change.

PPS : I can work on the moving of the directories and updating the current templates to the new paths.

Feel free to open a PR for the updated README & the directory change.