
The "range" interestingness test should be renamed

nth10sd opened this issue · 7 comments

While poking at Lithium's import system, I realised it may be best to stop having names that shadow standard function names.

Currently, the range interestingness test shadows the standard python function in Python 2 and Python 3.

@jschwartzentruber what do you think? Would limits, bounds or confines be better? (I prefer either of the first 2)

This might actually be a compulsory prerequisite to fixing the import system via PR #28.

Is this an issue? I think range is the most obvious name, and it's going to be a clear exception message if someone ever does import range and try to use it like the built-in.

For script usage this is a string arg, so not an issue, and for internal use (none today) this should be an Interestingness class as discussed elsewhere, where the name would not collide.

In order for the imports to work correctly in my PR, the file in interestingness folder looks like this (might get overwritten as the PR gets updated, reproduced here):

from __future__ import absolute_import

from . import crashes
# from . import diffTest  # diffTest is not used outside of Lithium
from . import envVars
from . import fileIngredients
from . import hangs
from . import outputs
# from . import range  # shadows standard python function
from . import timedRun
from . import ximport

Re: the line involving range, do you think this will be an issue?

(The correct way to do the imports is to uncomment out the range line, just like the crashes, outputs ones etc.)

The only way this is an issue is if someone did from interestingness import *.

The only way this is an issue is if

Should we defend against this usage?

The linters also complain about it shadowing a standard function, we'll have to suppress it too.

@jschwartzentruber and I discussed this quite comprehensively, and we'll leave this as-is for now. (Or at least until a much more compelling reason forces the change)

The move to a class-based system should bypass us calling the file directly, mitigating somewhat the problems that the name collision w/a standard python function might cause.