
Lithium throws in --char mode

nth10sd opened this issue · 0 comments

python -u -c crashes --timeout=3 ./js-dbg-64-dm-clang-darwin-2f9e69c982f1 --fuzzing-safe --no-threads --ion-eager --no-baseline testcase.js does not seem to work.

`usage: ./ [options] condition [condition options] file-to-reduce

example: ./ crashes 120 ~/tracemonkey/js/src/debug/js -j a.js
Lithium will reduce a.js subject to the condition that the following
crashes in 120 seconds:
~/tracemonkey/js/src/debug/js -j a.js error: unrecognized arguments: --timeout=3`

Removing -c does work. Moreover, removing --timeout=3 throws:

Failed to import: js-dbg-64-dm-clang-darwin-2f9e69c982f1
From: /Users/skywalker/lithium/interestingness/ximport.pyc
No module named js-dbg-64-dm-clang-darwin-2f9e69c982f1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/skywalker/lithium/lithium/", line 402, in
if processOptions():
File "/Users/skywalker/lithium/lithium/", line 180, in processOptions
conditionScript = ximport.importRelativeOrAbsolute(extra_args[0])
File "/Users/skywalker/lithium/interestingness/", line 21, in importRelativeOrAbsolute
module = import(f)
ImportError: No module named js-dbg-64-dm-clang-darwin-2f9e69c982f1