
Vertical sky stretching doesn't take FOV into account

MrAlaux opened this issue · 2 comments

Most likely related to the "PLAYER_SLOPE() and lookdir misalignment mitigation".

Sky stretching in general was messed up due to FOV changes. That was partially fixed by 3145239.

Currently, the sky is stretched far enough to reach the top of the view with rfov == 160, without any mouselook.
With mouselook enabled and the highest view pitch, looping of the sky texture becomes visible with rfov >= 90. We would have to stretch the sky quite a bit more to avoid that, and it would most likely look bad.

3145239 also introduced a little bug: with rfov != 81 and stretchsky == false, about half of the bottom row of pixels (?) of the sky texture is drawn right in the transition between the top of the texture and the placeholder solid color.

Issue further fixed by 4789064. Still not completely done, though; skies with a texture height greater than or equal to 200 have no stretching applied to them.