Acer CB5-571 Yuna blank screen after flash
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I have a used Acer 15" CB5-517 model ZRF chromebook. I set it up normally and tested that everything was working. Then I opened it and removed the WP screw, then enabled Developer mode, then went to VT2, then installed the firmware utility script, then ran it and installed FullROM (no need for ChromeOS, just linux) and then rebooted.
The power on light is on, and the battery light is on, but nothing happens on the screen - no light at all, other inidicators. If I have a USB in one of the ports, it doesnt' "blink" to indicate access. It sat for about 3m like that, then I just out of habit turned it off and on again - no change. It sat for about 30m like that and then I tried the Refresh + Power to hard reset it, no change. Then I unplugged the battery and ran only on AC - no change. I also did a hard reset like this, no change.
Is the only other recourse to try a SuzyQ cable or the - other method which I can't remember at the moment? Additionally, I got it with an 11" Acer CB3-131 chromebook model N15Q10 that I had also planned to run Linux on, but it seems like it may not work? Thoughts?
Thank you - for the record everything on my original Pixel 2013 worked great and it's happily chugging away on KDE plasma.