
My public collection of cogs for Red-DiscordBot V3

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


⚠️ This repo is not an approved plugin-repo from CogBoard at this time

Install at your own risk, and you assume any liability

Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License CodeQL Language grade: Python Discord Bots



Red DiscordBot V3 Cogs

View Contributors · Report Bugs · Request Features

Table of Contents

Built With

Getting Started

Reference and Install from the sources above. Please don't judge the code within these cogs too harshly. Learning and growth expands daily, and these should show that overtime too!


Once python is installed, make an environment.

  • python
python3.8 -m venv .redenv

Modular base of redbot is what these are catered to, make sure you install it too! It's good to learn the documentation over at Red-DiscordBot repo


  1. Activate the environment
source ~/.redenv/bin/activate
  1. Install Red DiscordBot
pip install Red-Discordbot[postgres]

[postgres] arg is optional (see documentation for full information on installing redbot)

  1. Install Repo --Invoked from bot within discord:--
  • [p]repo add Kable-Kogs https://github.com/kablekompany/Kable-Kogs

    -- Then add the cog you want: --

    • [p]cog install Kable-Kogs <name_of_cog> -- redact all formatting caveats, and [p]=prefix --

Cog Menu

Name Description
allutils Grab meta, make polls. Bitchin'
customapps Customize Staff apps for your server
decancer Decancer users names removing special and accented chars. [p]decancerset to get started if you're already using redbot core modlog
kekids Walk confidently and wear big shoes.
lockitup Lockdown a list of channels, a channel, or the whole server.


Contributions make my Levis Rise; The community surrounding this BotBase is full of Big Brain and overall just cool as fuck people. Learn the code, PR, yell at crayons, and learn some programming!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/omegalulCoolAsfFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature and other nonnse for a quippy commit')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature) followed by a stanky leg
  5. Open a Pull Request (bop it)

All PRs Welcome — big part of why I decided to publically host some of these


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Trent Kable @kablekompany - trent@kablekompany.com Project Link: https://github.com/kablekompany/Kable-Kogs


Many have contributed to this repo either by proxy, direct interaction, or by some cosmic interference. The contributors in full can be found standalone, and includes all authors that influenced, authored, or has core code within my bot and cogs.

Join The Kompound for support