
switch paging to use kaminari instead of will_paginate

Closed this issue · 3 comments

CODEBASE-335: In the pagination display (next/prev, and direct page links), there are several problems

  1. "Previous" is supposed to be greyed out if you are on page 1, and "Next" if you are on last page, they are not.

  2. There is a weird ghost link to the left of the '1' link, that if you hover over it you get a highlight, and you can click on it, seems to be a duplicate of the '1' link.

  3. The CSS is intended to put the "1 2 3 ... last" links in the middle of the "Next" and "Previous", but it's getting shifted down a line below.

In general, this code is wacky, because we try to use will_paginate, but over-ride some internal will_paginate methods. But the stuff we're over-riding is internal API that changes from release to release (along with some CSS classes we also rely on), making it a moving target hard to work right.

My current inclination is that since we're not using active_record, we ought to just implement this stuff ourselves (copying relevant code from will_paginate if there's something tricky). will_paginate itself is poorly maintained software these days, and was never architected with public API for how we're using it. kaminari is a newer alternative... but it's author also suggests if you aren't using ActiveRecord, just role your own dont' use kaminari.

Other problems with our over-ride of will_paginate is if you're not careful you can mess up will_paginate for NORMAL uses in the local app; and newer versions of will_paginate broke RSolr::Ext's attempts to mock to it, causing a world of trouble on the RSolr::Ext end as Matt tries to fix that, only causing other problems as side effects.

So if we were starting from scratch, I'd like to get rid of will_paginate. But backwarsd compat issues? Not sure.

Original reporter: jrochkind

jrochkind: Change name of ticket so it's clear when people look at 3.0 changes, assign Chris. Chris close when done I guess.

jrochkind: committers call said jrochkind, do what make sense, either fix will_paginate or duplicate internally.