Sort list and filter by connection field
mgiorgi-github opened this issue · 10 comments
excuse me for opened a new issue but i can't enable sorting... i've follow documentations and this is my new code but don't work fine... i see the column arrow asc and desc but the data are not sorted...
I've to display a list of data (Pill items in my case), enable sort column by delay field (a numeric field) and add a simple filter by type (type is a connection, not a real field)... can you give me an functional example for do it? I think this can bu usefull for other people...
type Pill
@key(name: "byOrder", fields: ["id", "order"], queryField: "pillsByOrder")
rules: [
allow: groups
groups: ["Admin"]
operations: [create, read, update, delete]
{ allow: groups, groups: ["Client"], operations: [read] }
id: ID!
title: String
order: Int!
description: String
type: Type @connection(name: "PillType")
createdAt: String
type Type
id: ID!
title: String
pills: [Pill] @connection(name: "PillType")
export const PillList = (props) => (
<List {...props}>
<TextField source="title" sortBy="pillByTitle" sortable={true}/>
<TextField source="description" />
I've create a new project and follow all steps of documentations... i can filter but can't sort my PillList for title and delay... what is wrong?
I've installed the demo but i've not seen a sorting example
type Type
@key(name: "byTitle", fields: ["title", "id"], queryField: "typesByTitle")
id: ID!
title: String
order: Int!
type Pill
@key(name: "byType", fields: ["typeID", "id"], queryField: "pillsByType")
@key(name: "byDelay", fields: ["delay", "id"], queryField: "pillsByDelay")
@key(name: "byTitle", fields: ["title", "id"], queryField: "pillsByTitle")
id: ID!
title: String
description: String
text: String
typeID: ID!
delay: Int!
const PillFilter = (props) => (
<AmplifyFilter {...props}>
label="Tipologia di utente"
filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({
typesByTitle: { title: searchText },
<AutocompleteInput optionText="title" alwaysOn resettable />
export const PillList = (props) => (
<List {...props} filters={<PillFilter />}>
<TextField source="title" sortBy="pillsByTitle" sortable={true}/>
<TextField source="description" />
<TextField source="title"/>
<TextField source="delay" sortBy="pillsByDelay" sortable={true}/>
<EditButton />
<DeleteButton />
In order to sort by title or delay, you need to define sort keys:
type Pill
@key(name: "byType", fields: ["typeID", "id"], queryField: "pillsByType")
@key(name: "byFooByTitle", fields: ["foo", "title"], queryField: "pillsByFooByTitle")
@key(name: "byFooByDelay", fields: ["foo", "delay"], queryField: "pillsByFooByDelay")
id: ID!
foo: String!
title: String
description: String
text: String
typeID: ID!
delay: Int!
field must always be the same value, something like PILL
Then configure the filter:
const defaultQuery = "listPills";
const PillFilter = (props) => (
<AmplifyFilter {...props} defaultQuery={defaultQuery}>
export const PillList = (props) => {
const [query, setQuery] = React.useState(defaultQuery);
return (
filters={<PillFilter setQuery={setQuery} />}
<TextField source="title" sortBy={query} />
<TextField source="delay" sortBy={query} />
Hi Grégoire, thanks for reply... for every tables i've to add a field only for sorting ( like "foo") with even the same value for each row ( like "PILL")? Is right? In your documentation you've usato productID and customerID but this fields have got a different value for orders rows... i can't use in both filter typeID?
type Pill
@key(name: "byType", fields: ["typeID", "id"], queryField: "pillsByType")
@key(name: "byTypeByTitle", fields: ["typeID", "title"], queryField: "pillsByTypeByTitle")
@key(name: "byTypeByDelay", fields: ["typeID", "delay"], queryField: "pillsByTypeByDelay")
id: ID!
title: String
description: String
text: String
typeID: ID!
delay: Int!
Yes this is the only way if you want to sort ALL pills by title or delay.
@key(name: "byTypeByTitle", fields: ["typeID", "title"], queryField: "pillsByTypeByTitle")
doing like this, you will only be able to sort by title the pills of a specific type.
I've tried a lot of times but i can't sort... i've added this keys but the rows order remain even self, certificationID in my case have even the same value, i'm desperated :-(
type Pill
@key(name: "byDelay", fields: ["certificationID", "delay"], queryField: "pillsByDelay")
rules: [
allow: groups
groups: ["Admin"]
operations: [create, read, update, delete]
{ allow: groups, groups: ["Client"], operations: [read] }
id: ID!
title: String
delay: Int!
typeID: ID!
certificationID: ID!
export const PillList = (props) => (
<List {...props}>
<TextField source="id" sortable={false}/>
<TextField source="title" sortable={false}/>
<TextField source="certificationID" sortable={false}/>
<TextField source="title"/>
<TextField source="delay" sortBy="pillsByDelay" sortable={true}/>
<EditButton />
<DeleteButton />
It looks correct now but you need to put the filter:
filters={<PillFilter setQuery={setQuery} />}
Then once you filter by certificationID, you should be able to sort by delay.
Ok now it work fine! Is possibile enable a default filter in order to show all data already sorted?
In my case i've certificationID whit the same value and for enable sort before i've to filter (for only one exist value of certificationID) and then see the rows sorted
OK good news.
II don't know if it's possible to put a default value, have you tried this?
Otherwise in your case you could simply replace the listPills
query in queries.js
by the pillsByDelay
query. With the certificationID
value hardcoded. You wouldn't even need to set a filter.
I've tried to add filterDefaultValues but don't work fine...
Last question: is possible manually trigger change event of filter and force the default value (into PillList component where query="listPills")?
Thanks for support
It should be possible but I've never tried.