Sound Audio Mixer stop working when log out. Require a reboot to fix the issue
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Sound default to internal. Only works for system music, Browser audio stop working.
Unable to switch to output to HDMI
Temporary Fix Solution:
Require a reboot to fix the issue.
This appears to correct the issue. Hopefully it doesn't cause new ones.
I see that the Release is not updated.
Do you need to update the Release/ARM-64
Yes, you are absolutely right. Thank you.
I've pushed up to the release directory.
Its going to take me a minute to get used to the new project structure.
Sorry to disturb again, :(
Unfortunately I notice that the device auto set to sound output that is not the System Device Sound.
For the Build-in Audio Stereo, I see 2 options the top and bottom.
It auto set to the Bottom Build-in Audio Stereo which work for Mini HDMI output
When the reboot it default to the bottom and the internal system device unable to output sound for the music and browser.
I do see the option to disable the sound for the outputs.
Thank you
Unfortunately I notice that the device auto set to sound output that is not the System Device Sound.
I have honestly been trying to find a way to fix this for months now and haven't been able to.
The line within the xinitrc
pactl set-default-sink alsa_output.platform-soc_03000000_ahub1_mach.stereo-fallback
Is supposed to fix it when XFCE is booted, but it doesn't. When you run it on the command line within XFCE, or over SSH when XFCE is running, it works fine. I just haven't been able to find the "correct" place within the boot process to execute this in a way that actually solves the problem.