
✨ Allow moving window to the different display on radial menu drag

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Feature Request Description

When user activates the radial menu and moves the cursor to the different display, window should be moved/resized to/on that display.

Resizing a window on a different display may be challenging, so simply triggering the move will suffice because it allows the user to more easily resize the window, as the cursor will be under the window.

But allowing to move and resize at the same time is going to be amazing!


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Additional Context

This feature will make it a lot easier to deal with multiple displays. Right now, users can add keybindings for moving the window to a different display, but then it requires running 2 actions:

  1. Move window to the different display
  2. Resize window

Final Checks

  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

Cool idea! I was thinking that to build on this, each side of the radial menu could be assigned to a cycle keybind, and as you move the cursor further, it would simply cycle through the keybind, which means that it wouldn't be limited to switching screens, and could also to 1/3, 2/3 etc.!

Sounds really cool, more flexibility in the radial menu. Looking forward to it!

OLH21 commented

I think this would be cool too , (sorry for the duplicated issue).
I personnaly would see a different key shortcut just to have a radial (of different color from the original one) dedicated to moving to another screen ( i have many screens so left-right-up-down moves are great)