
๐Ÿž Window doesnt move like the preview suggests

Opened this issue ยท 12 comments

T1mVo commented

Bug Description

When moving a window via the keyboard, it does not move as the preview suggests.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Bind the move actions to some keys
  2. Move a window

Expected Behavior

The window should move into the exact same position as the preview.

Actual Behavior

The window only roughly moves to the position shown by the preview.


MacOS Version

Sonoma 14.2

Loop Version

Version 1.0.0 (1030)

Additional Context

No response

Final Checks

  • My issue is written in English
  • My issue title is descriptive
  • This is a single bug (multiple bugs should be reported individually)

That is very interesting behavior. Do you have any external screens connected?

T1mVo commented

Yes, the recording was made on a 32:9 monitor. Though the problem also exists on the built-in screen.

Can you reproduce this bug when the external monitor is not plugged in?

T1mVo commented

Can you reproduce this bug when the external monitor is not plugged in?


Some things i observed:

  • The window goes too far into direction it got moved, e. g. If I move the window to the left, it overshoots the preview to the left.
  • Only the last changed direction affects the prior issue, e. g. If I move the window to the top and then to the right, it only overshoots to the right, not to the top.

Alright. Can you send me the file located at: ~/Library/Preferences/com.MrKai77.Loop.plist?

T1mVo commented

Sure, sent via email.

Awesome, I will take a look! In the meanwhile, can you enable window animations in the Advanced tab, and see if Loop will behave differently compared to if it were off?

T1mVo commented

Its actually on already. First thing I tried was to turn it off as it is still under development. Issue still exists though.

I also just loaded your prefs into my Loop, and it seems to be working fine. Can you reproduce this with non-terminal-related apps as well?

T1mVo commented

Yes, happens with other applications as well.

Can you try running the latest prerelease?

T1mVo commented

Tried it, no change