
✨ Allow function key as trigger key

Closed this issue · 2 comments

T1mVo commented

Feature Request Description

I am using an external keyboard with my mac and it does not have the globe key. It would be great if I could use the globe/fn key on both keyboards. I dont know if both of these keys are even the same though.


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  • This is a single feature request (multiple feature requests should be reported individually)

Yes, I've actually spend a lot of time researching this. Unfortunately, macOS doesn't allow a NSEvent monitor to listen for function key presses, even though the globe key works completely fine. I believe that this limitation is also reflected in Karabiner.

This might get a little technical, but it may be possible to use a CGEvent monitor to listen for the key, but this has broken multi-key trigger keys, so unfortunately this is not currently possible :(

T1mVo commented

Alright, thank you for your effort :)