
Crash after close

Closed this issue · 11 comments



After closing the Natron a very strange error occurs, the program crashes.
This happens every time I open any project. How to fix it?

Describe the problem or suggestion here.

Natron Version 2.3.14
Copyright (C) 2013-2018 INRIA and Alexandre Gauthier-Foichat
Use the --help or -h option to print usage.<<<
Info: script not loaded (this is not an error)
Info: script not loaded (this is not an error)
Loading project: D:/Compose_01.ntp

Steps to Reproduce

Just open nes scene, import few images and try to close. Crash!


Natron 2.3.14
Win10 64x, 32 Ram


This is a known issue on windows. Once a windows developer jumps it, we may be able to better understand what happens.
It may be related to AcademySoftwareFoundation/OpenImageIO#1795 in which case it would be solved by upgrading OIIO.
Does it also crash if you build a graph without a reader or writer?

This does not happen if the project is empty.

What about a non-empty project that has neither readers nor writers: use generators instead of readers.

Generators? It's node?

generators are nodes that produce an output without an input, eg checkerboard, radial, constant, colorwheel, etc.

Not sure if this can be a good solution, because I need to work with real image files.

I'm not proposing a workaround, I'm trying to figure out the source of the bug

I think I wrote it above, right? )

Let me rephrase it: do you still get the same behavior (crash after quit) if you edit a project with only generators (see above) and no writer (only one or several viewers).

With only generators and without reades no errors!

Please re-file this issue on the right github, see #1766