
Error while creating node fr.inria.built-in.Write: No plugin capable of encoding mp4 was found.

dionaditya opened this issue · 3 comments

I am beginner with natron. I have issue with error like this
Error while creating node fr.inria.built-in.Write: No plugin capable of encoding mp4 was found.

Natron 2.3.14
OS: manjaro 4.14

How I can fix this issue

I have this same issue and would like to know how to fix it.

ask here:
or post an issue here:
most probably, you are not using our binary distribution, so please test first with the binary releases that we distribute:

ask here: or post an issue here: most probably, you are not using our binary distribution, so please test first with the binary releases that we distribute:

I used the binary installer from the releases page and it worked great! Thanks for your solution!