
Natron render problem

Mizard-7 opened this issue · 6 comments

Hello everyone.

I corrected in Natron an exr (multichannel) file.
When I render it, the image is different from the render view. I tried to change the output colorspace in linear, srgb, and several others, but still is not like it should be.

Also, sometimes, some pieces of the image are not rendered, with annoying stripes on it.

Does anyone have suggestions?

Here the render view:

And here the output image:

This Github is not really meant for these kinda issues...

it's hard to say anything without knowing your setup, like your viewer colourspace etc. And what are those "annoying stripes"? Have you tried other formats than Tiff? Where do you watch the images?

Ah, sorry for the wrong placement of this issue: could you in case tell me, for the next time, where should I write it, please?

Anyway, the image I've posted here is a jpg, and when I use that output there are no longer the stripes, although I have a bit lower quality image, but I can survive.
Where can I find those info you are asking me about?

Facebook Group, I don't know if the Forum is still running... the Github is for technical issues and bugs, what you describe is more of a user error (sorry for that)

It seems like you struggle a bit with the basics how Natron is meant to be used. The viewer colourspace can be set in the viewer, the screenshot has it cropped though. So in the end, when that is equal to the colourspace in the write node, both files should match visually. Should. Because it depends on a lot more factors than that, as you script could mess that up, or your file viewer. It's hard to tell because there's little information you give and limited background :(

Ok, got it: sorry to take your time.

Actually, I use it for compositing or correct some details in the render I've done with other programs, nothing more.
The color viewer is in srgb, but when I render (output srgb) the image is different.

Here I attach the complete screen:

Well, to say it again, without knowing where you are monitoring the results and what you are doing exacly inside your script it's all stabbing in the dark, because the colourmanagement can break at many, many points in time.
No offence, but I'm a bit too busy to pull all that info one by one, so good luck finding the solution :(

Ok thanks anyway