
NATRON write node error "file is not open"

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Please ask questions ("how do I...?") on the forum, not by filing issues.

Make concrete suggestions for fixing the code ("here is a patch") by filing
a pull request, not an issue.


Describe the problem or suggestion here.

Expected behavior: [What you expected to happen]

Actual behavior: [What actually happened]

  • If your problem is a crash in an official release/snapshot, please include verbose output from the application
    from a terminal if possible. If you also submitted a crash report, indicate the CrashID if possible.

  • If you need to report a compilation issue, please create a gist
    that contains the full verbose build log.

  • If your problem is a crash in a build that you made yourself, please create a gist
    that contains a full backtrace.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. [First Step]
  2. [Second Step]
  3. [and so on...]

You may submit a link to any screenshots/videos that can be used to understand how to reproduce the issue.


  • Natron version/commit (they can be retrieved from the About Window):
  • OS version:

Can someone help me understand why NATRON write node keeps giving the error "file is not open"
when I try to write a .mov or any video files?

If you do not give us more information, we won't be able to help. Try writing frames instead of a video file first. Closing this issue, as it misses information. Feel free to resubmit one with more info