
Actions are hard to distinguish in redux-logger

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Since everything uses the same action types, if you load several resources at the same time, it is not easy to tell them apart in the console output with redux-logger.

Simplest solution is probably to just put the resource name in the action type, but I will need to look and see if I can find a more idiomatic solution.

redux-logger has the option to pass a titleFormatter function when you configure it. I think it is preferable to add the resource name using a formatter like this so that the action types stay predictable.

import createLogger from 'redux-logger';

function titleFormatter(action, time, took) {
  const timePart = time || ''
  const tookPart = took && `(in ${took.toFixed(2)} ms)` || ''

  const resourceName = action.meta && action.meta.resourceName
  if (action.type.startsWith('@@redux-supermodel/') && resourceName) {
    return `action @ ${timePart} ${action.type} (${resourceName}) ${tookPart}`

  return `action @ ${timePart} ${action.type} ${tookPart}`

export default function configureLogger(){
  return createLogger({
    level: 'info',
    collapsed: true,