Simple but Usable Library
This library is a "lighter" and "smaller" version of jQuery. You can use it, when you need simple operations with DOM and you do not want to load big library.
Please note, that I do not longer maintain this library.
1.Small size ~4 Kb.
2.Speed - all tests run up to 15 ms.
3.Support - we improve SUL all time.
1.Operations with element contents (html, value, etc) (DONE)
2.Simple CSS functions (show, hide, classes, etc) (DONE)
3.Chaining (DONE)
4.Events (DONE)
5.Simplified AJAX (DONE)
6.Selecting multiple elements
You can always get SUL using next links:
1.Getting the element
Use SUL() function to get the SUL wrapper of DOM element.
where selector - is just a list of CSS selectors seperated by comma:
SUL("#aloneElement"); // => you will work with element with ID aloneElement
SUL("#happyElement, #hisFriend") // => elements with IDs happyElement and #hisFriend will be selected
SUL(".someElements") // => elements with class someElements will be selected
2.Working with inner HTML
Use .html() function to get or update inner HTML of element.
//Get contents
var html = SUL("selector").html();
//Update contents
SUL("selector").html("Updated content");
You can also append to element:
SUL("selector").append("<p>Go Away!</p>"); // => Append HTML
SUL("selector").append(element); // => append DOM element
3.Working with input values
Use .val() function to get or update value of input element.
//Get value
var value = SUL("selector").val();
//Update value
SUL("selector").val("Updated value");
4.Show/Hide element
Use .hide() and .show() function to toggle element visibility.
//Hide element
//Show element
That functions will toggle display CSS property (block<=>none), if you want to toggle visibility property, use .visibility() function:
//Hide element
//Show element
5.CSS Classes
Use .hasClass() function to check, if element has specified class.
Use .addClass() and .removeClass() functions to remove or add classes.
//Add class
//Remove class
You can add event handlers to element using .on() function:
SUL("selector").on("click", function(event) {
alert("Hello World!");
You can do AJAX requests using SULX (SUL AJAX) object:
//Do a GET request
SULX.get(url, callback, options);
//Do a POST request, data, callback, options);
url - target URL
data - data, that will be sent with POST request
callback(status, data) - the callback function, which will be called when request will be finished. The status argument is status code from server, and data is data from server (will be null if request failed)
options - options for AJAX request, must be an object. By default, global options used, but you can use custom or edit globalOptions, so they will be applied for all next requests.
Example of options object:
var options = {};
options.async = true; //Should request be async?
options.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; // Content-Type header
options.ajaxHeader = true; //Should SUL include AJAX header in request? (X-Requested-With)
1.Add options to select tag
2.Check if input is empty:
3.Get selected index of select tag.
4.You can also use $() function instead of SUL() like in JQuery. Note, that you have to define it before using. Use SULasJQuery(mode):
//$() is now implemented by SUL
//You can disable it too:
SULasJQuery(false); // If JQuery is connected, $ will have JQuery implementation. If not, $ will be null
$("#foobar").hide(); // => this will work only if JQuery is connected!
5.Use .clear() function to clear input fields and textareas:
6.If you want to get native DOM element, just use .getNative() function:
SUL("#oneElement").getNative(); // => will return one element
SUL(".fewElements").getNative(); // => will return an array of elements
7.Changing/getting CSS style of element is possible using .css() function:
SUL("selector").css("color"); // => will return color CSS property of first-matched element
SUL("selector").css("font-family", "verdana"); // => will change font-family CSS property to verdana of EACH element.
Note, that SUL supports chaining.
SUL("selector").html("Hello World!").show();
See example.html for working example