
Create Pull Request Template

Opened this issue · 5 comments

We should create a template for pull requests, requiring the contributor to tick a box stating that he read the contributing guidelines ( By that we can make sure that the contributor has run the pre-commit hooks on his machine (flake8, black and pytest).

Yes, I like this idea, thank you for making this suggestion. Would be great for someone to grab this.

@MrPowers we should also add an Issue Template with "I would like to contribute" checks as well. More and more people are opening issues / contributing, so this will come in handy.

@robertkossendey - yea, an issue template with "I would like to contribute" would be great as well. Good idea!

Would be great if pure documentation commits don't require pre-commit setup as it may scare off folks who otherwise have valuable contributions. Can you exclude changes to the from pre-commit hooks requirement by default somehow?

@robertkossendey Can I take this one? It will be my first issue, so I might just need a little guidance.