
2.0 item missing

Rocdaric opened this issue · 3 comments

Just a heads up, all 2.0 item are missing, if u can add them it will be awesome!

As discussed on Nexusmods, it seems patch 2.0 doesn't add any new items. Phantom Liberty has new items, and they're already being added by the mod.

I'm leaving this issue open for now. If anyone reading this finds any item which is missing, please let me know. In such a case, share the item name and/or item ID.

Using the mod under its default settings, found two items missing icons, both from Phantom Liberty:

Breathable Fleece Cap (Items.Hat_06_basic_05)
Glitzy Llama-Wool Bucket Hat (Items.Hat_05_old_04)

Adding Items.Hat_06_basic_05 and Items.Hat_05_old_04 to the blacklist made the broken items not appear in Wardrobe when clicking ADD ALL CLOTHES.

Hello, these items do have icons and seem to be working fine. Please check your other mods, a user reported missing icons before but they discovered that another mod was the root cause.