
embedded images don't print?

jasper-cs opened this issue · 9 comments

some work items have images included in the Description tab, but these don't appear when I try to print them. is there a way to enable this?

I haven't found a reliable way to get images. It works sometimes. It may have something to do with the size of the images. The raw description is pushed to a hidden HTML page and immediately printed, so it's possible that larger images don't have enough time to load. When I have time I'll try to see what I can do with the timing without slowing down printing of large sets of work items.

v2.2.3 adds a small delay so the browser can try to fetch images before printing. Please test and let me know if it works for you.

I could make the delay longer. I don't like that solution though. I'd rather find a way to wait until any and all content is loaded, and no longer. I should have a fix soon.

thanks for your efforts - will be super helpful

Is this still an issue? I've made a few updates since then.

I have tested with version 2.3.0. Images in several fields as well in comments will be printed as PDF.

If you select "Attached file" on the work item type nothing will be printed/exported.

Yes, attached files are a whole other issue. Not sure I can get attached images in a timely manner to print. We'll see.

So for me that issue looks as resolved. Because embedded images are printed