
Network architecture details, import issues, and novel view generations

three-bee opened this issue · 0 comments

Thanks for the great work; we appreciate it. I have several questions/suggestions about it, though:

  • Do you plan to publish the explicit network architecture code soon? It would be beneficial for further research.
  • There are many absolute paths and importing issues throughout the codebase. Even some paths are hardcoded, which makes it more cumbersome to work with than needed. I suggest fixing those for easy usability.
  • Do you have an individual .py file to generate novel views from real-life images? As far as I understood, the inversion pipeline is as follows: first, apps/ generates a w, then inversion/scripts/ fine-tunes the said w. Can I use that fine-tuned w and your hybrid encoder, along with different angles fed to the generator & renderer for the novel views? Have you applied further adjustments for generating new views (to get the images in the last row of Fig. 7. on the SIGGRAPH paper)?
