
When running painter theres error with dnnlib

1blackbar opened this issue · 2 comments

import dnnlib

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dnnlib

This is what i get , all dependencies installed fine but on windows some had to be lower versions .

name: ide3d

  • pytorch
  • nvidia
  • python=3.9
  • pip
  • numpy>=1.20
  • click>=8.0
  • pillow=8.3.1
  • scipy=1.7.1
  • pytorch=1.10.0
  • cudatoolkit=11.3
  • requests=2.27.1
  • tqdm=4.62.3
  • ninja=1.10.2
  • matplotlib=3.5.1
  • imageio=2.9.0
  • pip:
    • imgui==1.4.1
    • glfw==2.5.0
    • pyopengl==3.1.5
    • imageio-ffmpeg==0.4.5
    • pyspng
    • psutil
    • mrcfile
    • tensorboard
    • einops
    • pymcubes
    • pytorch3d

Hi, you don't need to install dnnlib. It's a submodule in IDE-3D Please check the path when you import dnnlib.

The problem seems to be a hard coded path