
DC motor PWM control backwards

kikituko opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm using ESP8266 with Motor shield L293D with s3onegpio web serwer and scratch 3. I wonder if it is possible to set backwards rotation of the DC motor.
I can drive two wheel car with dc motors foreward but I have no idea how to set backwards rotation.

I am not familiar with the motor shield board, but if it uses an L293D, there are direction control pins for each of the 2 DC motors. This article describes using the L293D. If you search for the "Direction Control Pins" section, you will see that you can change direction by setting the control pins. So to select a direction pin, you would use the "Write Digital Pin" block specifying the PIN you are using and whether or not you want to set that pin to a 0 or 1.

Please let me know if this answers your question.

I am closing this issue. However, if you wish to add a comment, I will see it. If necessary, I can always reopen the issue.

Thank you for sending the article. It was helpful. I couldn't set GPIO DI 0 and 2 direction control pins because there was no such option to choose . In my case pins starting with 4.. Finally I have set variable and override original settings. Now it is working. Thank a lot.