
Allow using local compiler installation.

tgehr opened this issue · 6 comments

tgehr commented

dub can use a compiler executable from any directory, while redub can so far only handle global installs.

dub build --compiler=./ldc2-1.32.0-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc2
redub build --compiler=./ldc2-1.32.0-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc2
object.Error@(0): Unsupported compiler: ./ldc2-1.32.0-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc2
??:? immutable(char)[] building.cache.getCompilerVersion(immutable(char)[]) [0x5d2f9df8744f]
??:? immutable(char)[] building.cache.hashFrom(const(buildapi.BuildRequirements), immutable(char)[]) [0x5d2f9df87d69]
??:? building.cache.CompilationCache[] building.cache.cacheStatusForProject(buildapi.ProjectNode, immutable(char)[]) [0x5d2f9df87a66]
??:? void building.cache.invalidateCaches(buildapi.ProjectNode, immutable(char)[]) [0x5d2f9df87bcb]
??:? app.ProjectDetails app.resolveDependencies(immutable(char)[][]) [0x5d2f9df809d3]
??:? app.ProjectDetails app.buildBase(immutable(char)[][]) [0x5d2f9df80454]
??:? int app.buildMain(immutable(char)[][]) [0x5d2f9df8041c]
??:? _Dmain [0x5d2f9df7fe19
MrcSnm commented

Fixed at #2 e99f162

tgehr commented

Actually I think it does not work yet:

redub build --compiler=./ldc2-1.32.0-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc2
Failed after 3ms with message
	/bin/sh: 1: ./ldc2-1.32.0-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc2: not found
redub build --compiler=$PWD/ldc2-1.32.0-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc2
Linking Error
MrcSnm commented

Did you remember to do git pull and rebuild redub? If you did, this might be something related to linux. I have tested this feature under windows.

tgehr commented

Yes, I had rebuilt it. The linking error may be an unrelated issue, but it seems the current working directory is changed when building dependencies and therefore the relative path does not work.

MrcSnm commented

Yes, I had rebuilt it. The linking error may be an unrelated issue, but it seems the current working directory is changed when building dependencies and therefore the relative path does not work.

Oh fine I guess I forgot to make it absolute, I'll fix that real quick

MrcSnm commented

Just done a second update on it, do try testing it :)