
Scroll to zoom is inverted in the map window

dt192 opened this issue · 5 comments

Scroll to zoom in the map window is currently inverted, I can't off the top of my head think of any other applications that zoom in the opposite direction.

I think it would be worth correcting this to follow convention and adding a toggle to options for people that want to keep it inverted.

In the video I am scrolling my middle mouse towards the screen in all cases (Blender, Photoshop, Edge, Mudlet).

Thanks for the great explanation and video comparing the different applications!

I agree this should be adjusted, but only inverted for newly created profiles.

Existing profiles should stay as they were until before the added toggle.

This way they could manually toggle preferences if the player wanted.

Changing by default will result in way more people ending up on their preferred setting, as people that didn't know about the change will get it anyway and people who prefer it inverted will revert it once they see the change.

Doing it the other way around will mean lots of people will never know the option exists, so continuing to be stuck on inverted and won't it also cause issues with people that run multiple profiles, as any new ones they create will zoom differently to their old ones?

Also, doesn't user settings elsewhere also have a bearing - On GNU/Linux I use Solaar to configure my Logitech rodent devices and that has a toggle for most (if not all) mice with scroll-wheel(s) to configure the direction in which they operate. As I understand it there is not exactly a universal opinion on this.


@SlySven Windows also has a setting to invert the direction, however if people are deliberately overriding the default at system level they still won't get their desired behaviour in Mudlet, as it will be double inverted.

I checked Google|Bing|Apple maps and OpenStreetMap, all zoom in when scrolling toward the screen.

Changing by default will result in way more people ending up on their preferred setting, as people that didn't know about the change will get it anyway and people who prefer it inverted will revert it once they see the change.
Doing it the other way around will mean lots of people will never know the option exists, so continuing to be stuck on inverted and won't it also cause issues with people that run multiple profiles, as any new ones they create will zoom differently to their old ones?

We're thinking about two concepts here: a) backwards-compatability, and b) newbie-friendlieness.
We can't assume which setting which people will prefer, but we can limit their amount of surprises.
Turns out, some players really don't like their Mudlet settings changing when they update versions.

That is why we try to never change an existing profile, because we don't want to disturb muscle-memory of players who got to know Mudlet this way, and may actually like the direction to zoom as-is.
When they use multiple profiles, they will see there is an option to toggle, and switch (back or forth) the other one to their preferred setting (which may not be your preferred setting after all)
However still, changing the default, new players first starting Mudlet shall receive the more common option (and a way to turn it around if they really want)