
CTRL+Tab does not switch Preferences tabs if focus is on dropdown

ironcross32 opened this issue · 6 comments

Brief summary of issue / Description of requested feature:

Similar to how native controls work in Windows, and sometimes Linux, it would be useful to have the ability to press CTRL+tab to move forward, and SHIFT+Tab to move backward through the tabs in Preferences. The reason behind this request is that sometimes, focus will not return to the tab control when tabbing through the various options. If changes need to be made across multiple tabs, sometimes, it's necessary to save, and re-enter the Preferences screen to switch tabs.

Steps to reproduce the issue / Reasons for adding feature:


Error output / Expected result of feature

CTRL+Tab and SHIFT+Tab will move forward and backward respectively through tabs in the Preferences screen.

Extra information, such as the Mudlet version, operating system and ideas for how to solve / implement:

Windows 11, latest Mudlet PTB

I second this, only use SHIFT+CTRL+Tab instead. This should go through the tabs in backwards order.

Because SHIFT+Tab is already in use. It goes through the options inside the tab in backwards order to normal tabbing.

Examples of other apps using this behavior include Firefox, Thunderbird,.

Yes, agreed, my mistake.

Am I interpreting this incorrectly? Ctrl-Tab and Shift-Ctrl-Tab already cycle forward and backwards through my tabs in the Profile preferences dialog. (In Win11 anyway)

Am I interpreting this incorrectly? Ctrl-Tab and Shift-Ctrl-Tab already cycle forward and backwards through my tabs in the Profile preferences dialog. (In Win11 anyway)

You are correct. Thanks for pointing it out. Then it is a bug, because it only works sometimes.

Consider the "General" tab. When you first arrive there and press CTRL+Tab, you reach the next tab alright.
However, if you are in "General" and press tab key to arrive in "Show menu bar" dropdown menu, then CTRL+Tab does not have any reaction anymore.
If you press Tab key again to leave the dropdown, and reach a checkbox labeled "Icon size", then CTRL+Tab indeed works again.

Same is true for CTRL+SHIFT+Tab which already moves you backwards through, but only sometimes.

So it is a matter of luck currently whether it works as expected or no.
Changing this from feature request into a bug report to be fixed then.

Not sure how easy this will be to fix. May need some insight into Qt.

I've done some more brief tests and it seems that whether you can [Shift-]Ctrl-Tab depends on what control currently has the focus.

If your input focus is on a drop-down (like Font or Font Size in the Main display tab) then your [Shift-]Ctrl-Tab does not work. Whereas, any other field seems to work.

The control you mention "Show menu bar" is a dropdown and exhibits the limiting behaviour you're describing.

Seems as good an explanation as possible. Thanks for the additional tests!