
getAreaRooms does not return all area rooms

fidel-perez opened this issue · 2 comments

Brief summary of issue / Description of requested feature:

getAreaRooms does not return all area rooms

Steps to reproduce the issue / Reasons for adding feature:

Using the code:

function customGetAreaRooms(area_id)
  local room_ids = {}
    for id,name in pairs(getRooms()) do
        if getRoomArea(id) == area_id then
          if string.match(name, "Jill") then
            cecho("<white>\n".. tostring(getRoomArea(id)) .. "|" .. getRoomName(id))

I get the result:
212|The Lair of Queen Jill

If I run the code:

function customGetAreaRooms2(area_id)
  local room_ids = {}
    for id,name in pairs(getAreaRooms(area_id)) do
        if getRoomArea(id) == area_id then
          if string.match(name, "Jill") then
            cecho("<white>\n".. tostring(getRoomArea(id)) .. "|" .. getRoomName(id))

I would expect the same result, but this returns nothing instead.

Error output / Expected result of feature

getAreaRooms should get all the rooms in an area.
After I replaced my code from getAreaRooms into customGetAreaRooms, it worked as expected.

Extra information, such as the Mudlet version, operating system and ideas for how to solve / implement:

I dont think this matters in this issue.
Still, I am using a this branch in Mudlet linux.
I am attaching the DB file that has this issue for easier testing (and possibly be included into the unit tests of the fix).
The problematic area ID is 212, the room name is "The Lair of Queen Jill"

RTFM 🧙‍♂️

getAreaRooms(areaID) returns a (lua "list"-type) table containing the rooms that are in that area. As such the id inside the for loop for the customGetAreaRooms2(...) case is the (numeric) index (a number from {in this particular function} 0 {instead of the normal 1 because a C++ coder made a mistake in the dim and distant past and we don't want to fix it to start at 1, as it should, as that could break things for scripts that already exist which handle that mistake} to one less than the total number of rooms in the area) whilst name will contain the roomID number of the room concerned.

As a (bit pointless IMHO) proof of this try:

function customGetAreaRooms2(area_id)
    for _, id in pairs(getAreaRooms(area_id)) do
        if getRoomArea(id) == area_id then
          if string.match(name, "Jill") then
            -- you've already proved that getRoomArea(id) == area_id so there is no need to call getRoomArea(...) again 
            cecho("<white>\n".. area_id .. "|" .. getRoomName(id))

I'm guessing that there is only one room in that area - as this is going to list all of them - honest!