
Idea - Make exits able to be more than a boolean (on/off)

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Brief summary of issue / Description of requested feature:

Steps to reproduce the issue / Reasons for adding feature:

  1. Some rooms might be present situationally (can trick the pathing by making it a special exit)
  2. These rooms break when manually moving through the room (map doesn't update)

Error output / Expected result of feature

Exits support the ability to be modular:
Rm id 1 has an east exit that appears situationally connecting to Rm id 2
Rm id 1 when manually moved through will transition the player location on map appropriately regardless whether the east exit is present or not.

This problem is exacerbated when the situational rooms are actually changing connecting room IDs unsure how this would be solved (would have to have the ability to validate the id or name of the adjacent room or maybe supporting functions to help identify the room, maybe not solveable)

Extra information, such as the Mudlet version, operating system and ideas for how to solve / implement:

Mudlet version: 4.17.2
If a flag could be set to validate that a room has an exit, but it only appears situationally (not a special exit, or potentially a flag for the special exit?)