
getAreaRooms() returns a table indexed at zero.

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Brief summary of issue / Description of requested feature:

Provide a getAreaRooms() function which will return a table without the 0 index key/value pair which is in line with Lua table practices of starting at 1. Then we can use things like table.sort properly.

Steps to reproduce the issue / Reasons for adding feature:

> lua display(getAreaRooms(3))

{ 5002602, 5002601, 5002600, [0] = 5002603 }

Error output / Expected result of feature

> lua display(getAreaRooms(3))

{ 5002602, 5002601, 5002600, 5002603 }

Extra information, such as the Mudlet version, operating system and ideas for how to solve / implement: