
Search Feature Currently Inaccessible

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Brief summary of issue / Description of requested feature:

Currently, the ability to search the output is not accessible to screen readers.

Steps to reproduce the issue / Reasons for adding feature:

  1. Press CTRL+F to enter the search box
  2. Type a search query
  3. Tab to either the earlier or later buttons and activate either one of them
  4. Observe that while the feature is very likely working just fine visually, there is no way to interact with the result
  5. Press which ever key is bound to switching to the output window
  6. Arrow around and note that the cursor is at the bottom of the window, no where near the search result

Error output / Expected result of feature

Search is a powerful tool, because while we may have heard something of interest, it may have scrolled several pages away by the time we need to recall it. Ideally, search should be made accessible.

Extra information, such as the Mudlet version, operating system and ideas for how to solve / implement:

This applies to every version of Mudlet up to the date of this issue.

I believe this can be solved by announcing the entire line that encompasses the search result. We would be able to continue pressing the earlier button to search back through the output, hearing each new result. On Windows, this should ideally be handled the same way that the announce() function works, preferring a screen reader. When we wish to view the result itself, pressing the bound key for switching to the output window should also route the cursor to the very beginning of the result. It would also be handy to have keys which are unbound by default, but which would perform the same actions as the earlier and later button. If such were to exist, I would likely map them to F3 and SHIFT+F3, as this is pretty standard.