
Nested Tag Issue

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Sorry for my writing. Actually i translate it 🔢

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For a tag to show up with the plugin it must start with a # and the subcategory must start with a forward slash (/) in the format of:

For example:

"#Catergory /subcategory"
"#Method /Longitudinal"
"#Method /cross-sectional"

But before, when I wrote it like this, it was fine. Anyway, I tried as you said but the problem still continues.
If you notice, it does not even appear in those without subcategories. Like "crack" or "assassment" tags.
Thank you for reply.

Now, with your guidance, I realized this. When I enter "#/" at the beginning of the tag, it appears on nested tag section. The other plain tags with nothing at the beginning do not appear at all.